Start Uploading

You can access the upload functions by selecting the following:

  • > Assets > Import > Import: The import dialog opens. Enter a new name for the import folder or select the name of an existing import folder that you have already created. Once you have started the upload, you can exit the dialog via the To Import or Close button as soon as they become active. This means you do not have to wait for the upload to be completed.

The following interface is displayed when you start an upload:

Once you have added a file or multiple files, they will be displayed in a list view:

Click on Start to start a new upload, which is executed in the background.You can also add files after the upload has started. The files are uploaded one after the other when you start the upload. A progress bar provides information about the status of each file.

  • When the upload is advanced enough, the To Import button becomes active. Click it to go to your import folder. There you can complete the attributes of the uploaded assets.

  • When you prefer to edit the asset attributes later, finish the import dialog by clicking Close.

Click on Done and Failed tabs, to check if the upload is complete and to check the reason for possible failures. A detailed log is available on the import page.